Dive into a world of financial organization with 6 monthly expense sheets. Each expense sheet is divided into two segments, corresponding to two pay periods.
Gratitude, Affirmations, Intentions Incorporate positivity and mindfulness into your life by expressing gratitude, reinforcing self-belief, and setting intentions to guide your week
Guide on Gratitude, Affirmations, Intentions
Daily Planning This clean layout empowers you to efficiently prioritize tasks on a day-to-day basis. Within each day, you’ll find:
Creativity Corner While all other sections within the Weekly Spread remain consistent and recurring, a one-of-a-kind coloring page is incorporated into each spread. Coloring has proved a number of benefits including:
Week Reflection The last page of the weekly spread is a Reflection Page, typically intended to be completed on the final day of your week. Here, you have the space to record your wins, challenges, key learnings, and general thoughts of the week. The practice of weekly introspection is an essential practice that cultivates self-awareness, encourages personal growth, and empowers informed, balanced living.
I’m grateful…
I intend to / I will..
Tracking mood and self-care on a scale of 1-10 can be a simple yet effective way to monitor your well-being and progress over time.
The recommended approach is to designate a consistent daily time to check in with yourself, such as after work each day or before bed every night. By using this scale consistently, you can track patterns in your moods and self-care practices over time. This involves not only identifying triggers that have a positive impact on your well-being, but also those that present challenges for you.
Below the meter, you’ll find lined space for jotting down any notes or reflections stemming from your self-assessment.
Remember that everyone experiences and interprets emotions differently, so the descriptions might vary from person to person. The scale is meant to provide a general guideline for tracking and understanding your mood over time.